Friday, May 17, 2013

Be Happy!

My nephew Matt and his fiancee Shannon are getting married tomorrow, and I want to wish them every happiness.  'Happiness' is one of those words like 'wealth' or 'fun', that means different things to different people, so all I can do is tell you what I think it is.  I have always tried to keep in mind the idea that happiness comes from making other people happy.  When you stop worrying about your own feelings and the things you want, and concentrate on filling other people's needs, you often wake up and realize that you're truly happy yourself.  I'm not saying that I'm always successful at this, but I do try.

Without trying to give a sermon, I think this is a great resolution on which to start a marriage.  This is the thing that the ministers are trying to say when they urge you to 'both give 100%, instead of 50%'.  If you dedicate yourself to your partner's happiness from the beginning, and they do the same for you, you'll find your love increases all the time.  Be happy!

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